Working from behind(G Blog 2)

This week of progress was a roller coaster due to some of the things that worked in our favor and somethings that halted us.  With the start of the week having a full plan in place to tackle this week, then to us falling behind cause of the design document misunderstanding. Rounded all that out with some issues with Perforce running out of memory and then animations not wanting to work properly. 

To fix all the problems we were having, we had to sit down and discuss what was being said on the design document. This design document was a thorn in our sides because how much detail we needed in it but we didn't have everything fully planned quite yet.  The design document is a key detail we need because it basically our outline for the game. While we were trying to get that figured out we had some uncontrollable problems with the source control and set us back about 24 hours. Finally, the animation issue came to me  in the form of animations playing and snapping back to the capsule. After a little bit of research I found that the animations that I had was not set to "Play in place." Because they were playing the movement itself while the player was also moving, it caused the animation to play the full length instead of the blend space I had set up. 

Mixamo Setting

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